25 Jun 2017

Studying the advanced world experience in the power industry


From June 19th to June 23th, 2017, the Ukrainian delegation visited South Korea, the country that is a global leader in the development and implementation of modern technologies in the power industry, including Smart Grid technologies.

The delegation included representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine Olha Buslavets, Viktoriia Hnatovska, State Finance Institution for Innovations Volodymyr Stavniuk, PJSC “Khmelnytskoblenergo” Oleh Kozachuk, Ruslan Slobodian, PJSC “Volynoblenergo” Volodymyr Kupchak.

The visit to South Korea and meetings with Korean companies were supported by KOTRA - the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. There were meetings with executives and specialists of KEPCO, one of the largest companies for transmission, distribution and electricity supply in the world; KOEN - thermal generation and RES, LSIS -  one of the largest manufacturers of smart systems, energy  storage systems and modern electrical equipment. Also there were meetings with a number of other Korean companies that have the most advanced Smart Grid technologies.

The confirmation of Korean technology's efficiency in the electric power industry is, for example, the world's lowest level of energy losses - 3.77% (in Ukraine 11.7%). The SAIDI indicator in Korea does not exceed more then 10 minutes (in Ukraine - 600 minutes). A distinctive feature of Korean Smart Grid technology is its wide penetration to all levels in the production, distribution, supply and consumption of electricity: from power plants of all types, through the power lines of all voltage classes, and to current collectors up to each socket. This approach is strongly supported at the state level. For example, recently, Korea has obligated all newly constructed state institution buildings to be equipped with BEMS systems - building energy management systems. As for the private companies and the household sector, similar energy management and Smart Grid systems are rapidly developing due to their economic expediency.

Another distinctive feature of modern Korean technologies in the electric power industry is active use of energy storage systems ESS. By the end of 2017, their installed capacity at KEPCO's substations will reach 500 MW. At the substations such storage systems allow to maneuver with capacities. And similar storage systems of smaller capacity, installed at the enterprises and in private homes, allow consumers to save on costs for consumed electricity, which has a great positive impact on the country's energy system by equalizing load schedules.

The information and experience that was received during these meetings will help to create the Smart Grid Concept in Ukraine and prepare a plan of measures to implement the National Energy Strategy of Ukraine by 2035 (after its approval by the Government) in terms of reducing electricity losses for its transmission and distribution by electric grids. The development of Smart Grid technologies in Ukraine, including the establishment of energy storage systems, will significantly reduce electricity losses in grids and increase the reliability of electric power supply of the appropriate quality to the consumers.

PJSC "Khmelnytskoblenergo" actively monitors the most advanced technologies in the electric power industry and is at the forefront of the research and introduction of such technologies in Ukraine. In particular, the results of the last visit to South Korea provide grounds for the implementation of Smart Grid pilot projects in the Khmelnytsky electric grids, with the prospect of disseminating the received experience and technologies throughout the Ukraine.
